We offer handmade oil paintings reproduction, inlcuding artist, fabian perez, leroy neiman etc.

Friday, March 28, 2008


007年4月13日,方永刚先进事迹报告会在北京人民大会堂举行,方永刚在报告会上。新华社记者 查春明 摄
新华网3月27日报道 忠诚党的创新理论的模范教员、海军大连舰艇学院教授方永刚,3月25日22时08分在北京病逝,走完45年短暂而精彩的一生。

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


环球时报-环球网3月27日报道 “中国想派武装力量去澳大利亚保护奥运火炬”,3月26日,几家澳大利亚媒体刊都不约而同地登出了这样耸人听闻的消息。报道称,中国想让其军队去监视奥运圣火在澳大利亚境内的传递,以防抗议者的破坏活动。对此,北京奥组委火炬接力中心的一位工作人员在接受《环球时报》记者采访时说:“这样的报道是不真实的,甚至是很荒唐。”中国的一位军事专家在接受采访时也表示,稍有外交常识的人都知道,这样的情况下向国外派驻军队是根本不可能的事。

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


东方网2月4日报道 据新华社报道,1月25日,中华人民共和国民政部部长李学举一行来到武警北京总队特勤支队的官兵中间,表达对解放军和武警部队全体官兵及烈军属、残疾军人、转业复员退伍军人和军队离退休干部的节日问候。李学举表示,中国政府去年共为包括优抚对象在内的800万军民发放了151.2亿元的各种补助,他还表示,国家开始向参加核试验军队退役人员发放生活补助,作为提高退役军人福利的措施。

Monday, March 24, 2008



Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Birth of Venus

Why, there are only eighty people who have
heard you called so, and the world contains hundreds of millions.'
'But what have I to do with millions? The eighty, I know, despise
'Jane, you are mistaken: probably not one in the school either
despises or dislikes you: many, I am sure, pity you much.'
'How can they pity me after what Mr. Brocklehurst has said?'
'Mr. Brocklehurst is not a god: nor is he even a great and
he never took steps to make
himself liked. Had he treated you as an especial favourite, you
would have found enemies, declared or covert, all around you; as it
is, the greater number would offer you sympathy if they dared.
Teachers and pupils may look coldly on you for a day or two, but
friendly feelings are concealed in their hearts; and if you

Thursday, March 20, 2008

picture of the last supper

feet inflamed; and the torture of thrusting the
swelled, raw, and stiff toes into my shoes in the morning. Then the
scanty supply of food was distressing: with the keen appetites of
growing children, we had scarcely sufficient to keep alive a
delicate invalid. From this deficiency of nourishment resulted an
abuse, which pressed hardly on the younger pupils: whenever the
they would coax or menace the
little ones out of their portion. Many a time I have shared between
two claimants the precious morsel of brown bread distributed at
teatime; and after relinquishing to a third half the contents of my
mug of coffee, I have swallowed the remainder with an accompaniment of

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

无框画 油画网

and as all was quiet, the subject of their lessons
could be heard, together with the manner in which each girl
acquitted herself, and the animadversions or commendations of Miss
Scatcherd on the performance. It was English history: among the
readers I observed my acquaintance of the verandah: at the
commencement of the lesson, her place had been at the top of the
class, but for some error of pronunciation, or some inattention to
stops, she was suddenly sent to the very bottom. Even in that
obscure position, Miss Scatcherd continued to make her an object of
constant notice; she was continually addressing to her such phrases as
the following:-
'Burns' (such it seems was her name: the girls here were all called

Monday, March 17, 2008

picture of the last supper

their privilege. The whole conversation ran on the
breakfast, which one and all abused roundly. Poor things! it was the
sole consolation they had. Miss Miller was now the only teacher in the
room: a group of great girls standing about her spoke with serious and
sullen gestures. I heard the name of Mr. Brocklehurst pronounced by
some lips; at which Miss Miller shook her head disapprovingly; but she
made no great effort to check the general wrath; doubtless she
shared in it.
A clock in the schoolroom struck nine; Miss Miller left her circle,
and standing in the middle of the room, cried-
'Silence! To your seats!'
Discipline prevailed: in five minutes the confused throng was

Sunday, March 16, 2008

abstract art painting

something else must have struck her as offensive, for she
spoke with extreme though suppressed irritation. I got up, I went to
the door; I came back again; I walked to the window, across the
room, then close up to her.

Speak I must: I had been trodden on severely, and must turn: but
how? What strength had I to dart retaliation at my antagonist? I
gathered my energies and launched them in this blunt sentence-
'I am not deceitful: if I were, I should say I loved you; but I
declare I do not love you: I dislike you the worst of anybody in the
world except John Reed; and this book about the liar, you may give
to your girl, Georgiana, for it is she who tells lies, and not I.'
Mrs. Reed's hands still lay on her work inactive: her eye of ice
continued to dwell freezingly on mine.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Decorative painting

between Bessie and Abbot, I gathered enough of hope to
suffice as a motive for wishing to get well: a change seemed near,-
I desired and waited it in silence. It tarried, however: days and
weeks passed: I had regained my normal state of health, but no new
allusion was made to the subject over which I brooded. Mrs. Reed
surveyed me at times with a severe eye,
but seldom addressed me: since
my illness, she had drawn a more marked line of separation than ever
between me and her own children; appointing me a small closet to sleep
in by myself, condemning me to take my meals alone, and pass all my
time in the nursery, while my cousins were constantly in the
drawing-room. Not a hint, however, did she drop about sending me to

Thursday, March 13, 2008

chinese landscape painting

Bessie went into the housemaid's apartment, which was near. I heard
her say-
'Sarah, come and sleep with me in the nursery; I daren't for my
life be alone with that poor child tonight: she might die; it's such a
strange thing she should have that fit: I wonder if she saw
anything. Missis was rather too hard.'
Sarah came back with her; they both went to bed; they were
whispering together for half an hour before they fell asleep. I caught
scraps of their conversation, from which I was able only too
distinctly to infer the main subject discussed.
'Something passed her, all dressed in white, and vanished'- 'A
great black dog behind him'- 'Three loud raps on the chamber door'-
'A light in the churchyard just over his grave,' etc., etc.


wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning;
but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early)
the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and a
rain so penetrating, that further outdoor exercise was now out of
the question.
I was glad of it: I never liked long walks, especially on chilly
afternoons: dreadful to me was the coming home in the raw twilight,
with nipped fingers and toes, and a heart saddened by the chidings
of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled by the consciousness of my
physical inferiority to Eliza, John, and Georgiana Reed.
The said Eliza, John, and Georgiana were now clustered round

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Van Gogh Sunflower

Catherine employed herself in wrapping a handsome book neatly in white paper, and having tied it with a bit of ribband, and addressed it to `Mr Hareton Earnshaw', she desired me to be her ambassadress, and convey the present to its destined recipient.
`And tell him, if he'll take it I'll come and teach him to read it right,' she said; `and, if he refuse it, I'll go upstairs, and never tease him again.'
I carried it, and repeated the message; anxiously watched by my employer. Hareton would not open his fingers, so I laid it on his knee. He did not strike off, either. I returned to my work. Catherine leaned her head and arms on the table, till she heard the slightest rustle of the covering being removed; then she stole away, and quietly seated herself beside her cousin. He trembled, and his face glowed: all his rudeness and all his surly harshness had deserted him: he could not summon courage, at first, to utter a syllable in reply to her questioning look, and her murmured petition.

Monday, March 10, 2008

fine art oil painting

worthy woman was not conscious of anything odd in her request. The front door stood open, but the jealous gate was fastened, as at my last visit; I knocked, and invoked Earnshaw from among the garden beds; he unchained it, and I entered. The fellow is as handsome a rustic as need be seen. I took particular notice of him this time; but then he does his best, apparently, to make the least of his advantages.
I asked if Mr Heathcliff were at home? He answered, No; but he would be in at dinner time. It was eleven o'clock, and I announced my intention of going in and waiting for him, at which he immediately flung down his tools and accompanied me, in the office of watchdog, not as a substitute for the host.
We entered together; Catherine was there, making herself useful in preparing some vegetables for the approaching meal; she looked more sulky and less spirited than when I had seen her first. She hardly raised her eyes to notice me, and continued her employment with the same disregard to common forms of politeness as before; never returning my bow and good morning by the slightest acknowledgment.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

无框画 油画网

I shall have that home. Not because I need it, but--' He turned abruptly to the fire, and continued, with what, for lack of a better word, I must call a smile--`I'Il tell you what I did yesterday! I got the sexton, who was digging Linton's grave, to remove the earth off her coffin-lid, and I opened it. I thought, once, I would have stayed there: when I saw her face again--it.is hers yet!--he had ~ hard work to stir me; but he said it would change if the air blew on it, and so I struck one side of the coffin loose,
and covered it up: not Linton's side, damn him! I wish he'd been soldered in lead. And I bribed the sexton to pull it away when I'm laid there, and slide mine out too; I'll have it made so: and then, by the time Linton gets to us he'll not know which is which!'
`You were very wicked, Mr Heathcliff!' I exclaimed, `were you not ashamed to disturb the dead?'
`I disturbed nobody, Nelly,' he replied; `and I gave some ease to myself. I shall be a great deal more comfortable now; and you'll have a better chance of keeping me underground, when

mona lisa painting

had not yet lighted a candle, but all the apartment was visible, even to the portraits on the wall: the splendid head of Mrs Linton, and the graceful one of her husband. Heathcliff advanced to the hearth. Time had little altered his person either. There was the same man: his dark face rather sallower and more composed, his
`Stop!' he said, arresting her by the arm. `No more runnings away! Where would you go? I'm come to fetch you home; and I hope you'll be a dutiful daughter, and not encourage my son to further disobedience. I was embarrassed how to punish him when I discovered his part in the business: he's such a cobweb, a pinch would annihilate him; but you'll see by his look that he has received his due! I brought him down one evening, the day before yesterday, and just set him in a chair, and never touched him afterwards. I sent Hareton out, and we had the room to ourselves. In two hours, I called Joseph to carry him up again; and since then my presence is as potent on his nerves as a ghost; and I fancy he sees me often, though I am

Friday, March 7, 2008

picture of the last supper

And you say she's sick; and yet, you leave her alone, up there in a strange house! You who have felt what it is to be so neglected! You could pity your own sufferings; and she pitied them too; but you won't pity hers! I shed tears, Master Heathcliff, you see--an elderly woman, and a servant merely--and you, after pretending such affection, and having reason to worship her almost, store every tear you have for yourself, and lie there quite at ease. Ah! you're a heartless, selfish boy!'
`I can't stay with her,' he answered crossly. `I'll not stay by myself. She cries so I can't bear it. And she won't give over, though I say I'll call my father. I did call him once, and he threatened to strangle her, if she was not quiet; but she began again the instant he left the room, moaning and grieving all night long, though I screamed for vexation that I couldn't sleep.'

Thursday, March 6, 2008

William Bouguereau

pony and remain on horseback; but I dissented: I wouldn't risk losing sight of the charge committed to me a minute; so we climbed the slope of heath together. Master Heathcliff received us with greater animation on this occasion: not the animation of high spirits though, nor yet of joy; it looked more like fear.
`It is late!' he said, speaking short and with difficulty. `Is not your father very ill? I thought you wouldn't come.'
`Why won't you be candid?' cried Catherine, swallowing her greeting. `Why cannot you say at once you don't want me? It is strange, Linton, that for the second time you have brought me here on purpose, apparently, to distress us both, and for no reason besides!'
Linton shivered, and glanced at her, half supplicating, half ashamed; but his cousin's patience was not sufficient to endure this enigmatical behaviour.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

floral oil painting

with a smile. I was half inclined to make it try; however, he moved off to open the door, and, as he raised the latch, he looked up to the inscription above, and said, with a stupid mixture of awkwardness and elation:
` ``Miss Catherine! I can read yon, nah.''
` ``Wonderful,'' I exclaimed. ``Pray let us hear you--you are grown clever!''
`He spelt, and drawled over by syllables, the name--"Hareton Earnshaw".
` ``And the figures?'' I cried encouragingly, perceiving that he came to a dead halt.
` ``I cannot tell them yet,'' he answered.
``Oh, you dunce!'' I said, laughing heartily at his failure.
`The fool stared, with a grin hovering about his lips, and a scowl gathering over his eyes, as if uncertain whether he might not join in my mirth: whether it were not pleasant familiarity, or what it really was, contempt. I settled his doubts, by suddenly retrieving my gravity and desiring him to walk away, for I came to see Linton, not him. He reddened--I saw that by the

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Birth of Venus

I'll not touch it: but it looks melancholy, does it not, Ellen?'
`Yes,' I observed, `about as starved and sackless as you: your cheeks are bloodless; let us take hold of hands and run. You're so low, I dare say I shall keep up with you.
`No,' she repeated, and continued sauntering on, pausing, at intervals, to muse over a bit of moss, or a tuft of blanched grass, or a fungus spreading its bright orange among the heaps of brown foliage; and, ever and anon, her hand was lifted to her averted face.
`Catherine, why are you crying, love?' I asked, approaching and putting my arm over her shoulder. `You mustn't cry because papa has a cold; be thankful it is nothing worse.
She now put no further restraint on her tears; her breath was stifled by sobs.
`Oh, it will be something worse,' she said. `And what shall I do when papa and you leave me, and I am by myself? I can't forget your words, Ellen; they are always in my ear. How life will be changed, how dreary the world will be, when papa and you are dead.'

Monday, March 3, 2008

famous art painting

No, that man is not my son,' answered Heathcliff, pushing me aside. `But I have one, and you have seen him before too; and, though your nurse is in a hurry, I think both you and she would be the better for a little rest. Will you just turn this nab of heath, and walk into my house? You'll get home earlier for the ease; and you shall receive a kind welcome.
I whispered Catherine that she mustn't, on any account, accede to the proposal: it was entirely out of the question.
`Why?' she asked, aloud. `I'm tired of running, and the ground is dewy: I can't sit here. Let us go, Ellen. Besides, he says I have seen his son. He's mistaken, I think; but I guess where he lives: at the farmhouse I visited in coming from Penistone Crags. Don't you?'
`I do. Come, Nelly, hold your tongue--it will be a treat for her to look in on us. Hareton, get forwards with the lass. You shall walk with me, Nelly.'
`No, she's not going to any such place,' I cried, struggling to release my arm, which he had seized: but she was almost at the doorstones already, scampering round the brow at full speed. Her appointed companion did not pretend to escort her: he shied off by the roadside, and vanished.

picture of the last supper

remember, a very short time since; therefore, don't expect him to play and run about with you directly. And don't harass him much by talking: let him be quiet this evening, at least, will you?'
Yes, yes, papa,' answered Catherine: `but I do want to see him; and he hasn't once looked out.'
The carriage stopped; and the sleeper being roused, was lifted to the ground by his uncle.
`This is your cousin Cathy, Linton,' he said, putting their little hands together. `She's fond of you already; and mind you don't grieve her by crying tonight. Try to be cheerful now; the travelling is at an end, and you have nothing to do but rest and amuse yourself as you please.'
`Let me go to bed, then,' answered the boy, shrinking from Catherine's salute; and he put his fingers to his eyes to remove incipient tears.
`Come, come, there's a good child,' I whispered, leading him in.
`You'll make her weep too--see how sorry she is for you!'

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